FERC & Federal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities.
FERC accepted proposed revisions to seven NERC reliability standards, as well as the ERO Enterprise's business plans and budget for 2021.
FERC approved a settlement between SERC Reliability and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. for violations of NERC reliability standards.
DOJ brought criminal charges against six Russian intelligence officers believed to be involved in the cyberattacks against the Ukrainian grid.
FERC staff expressed confidence that the North American bulk power system has sufficient reserves to make it through the winter comfortably.
FERC gave WECC the go-ahead to introduce a new version of its reliability standard regarding contingency reserves.
Despite actions on supply chain risk management, changes are still needed to grapple with foreign cyber threats to the utility sector.
In its latest round of CIP audits, FERC noted several “potential compliance infractions” and other areas for improvement.
FERC rejected a challenge by security activist Michael Mabee against NERC’s Critical Infrastructure Protection reliability standards.
FERC approved a settlement between WECC and an unnamed entity in the Western Interconnection for violations of NERC’s CIP reliability standards.
NERC completed the second of two compliance filings directed by FERC earlier this year, detailing changes to its Rules of Procedure.
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