March 10, 2025

ERO Insider

Experts Warn Cyberwar Still Possible
Fears of a major Russian cyberattack against Ukraine have not materialized so far, but experts warn it is still far too early for cyber defense to relax.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
NERC Cold Weather Project Moves Forward
NERC's latest cold weather standards project has progressed to the next phase after a special meeting of the Standards Committee's Executive Committee.
Patrick Finnegan, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FBI: Conspirators Planned Grid Attack to Start Race War
Three men pleaded guilty to planning a coordinated attack on electric substations across the U.S., hoping to start an economic crisis and race war.
Dragos: Electric Industry Cyber Preparations ‘Very Successful’
Cybersecurity firm Dragos spoke positively on the electric industry's cyber protection measures in 2021, but said the threat landscape remains active.
WECC Workshop Assesses Western Risks
WECC continued its focus on threats to the Western grid with a workshop on risk priorities and the first meeting of its new Reliability Risk Committee.
NERC: Grid Transformation Continues to Accelerate
NERC's 2021 Annual Report identified climate change and cybersecurity as major risks to grid reliability, while highlighting efforts to combat them.
NERC Standards Committee Fast Tracks Cold Weather Project
Members of NERC's Standards Committee agreed on Wednesday to a move that could shave weeks off development of the latest cold-weather standards project.
NWPP Rebrands as Western Power Pool
In a move that signifies its expanding reach across the Western Interconnection, the Northwest Power Pool has rebranded itself as the Western Power Pool.
NARUC Panelists Call for Solidarity on Cybersecurity
Panelists at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit encouraged attendees to take an active role in pushing utilities to invest in cybersecurity.
Texas RE: Malware, Ransomware Attacks ‘Here to Stay’
Cyberattacks for economic gain are “without a doubt” going to remain a danger for businesses for some time, the Texas Reliability Entity said in webinar.

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