March 10, 2025

ERO Insider

NERC Board of Trustees/MRC Briefs: Feb. 10, 2022
Thursday's meetings of NERC's Member Representatives Committee and Board of Trustees saw a change of the guard among the organization's leadership.
Department of Homeland Security
DHS Launches Cyber Review Board
The Department of Homeland Security has set up the Cyber Safety Review Board to investigate cybersecurity incidents that impact U.S. national security.
Report Warns of Growing Cyber Dangers
A new report from cybersecurity firm Tenable warns that critical infrastructure and other sectors must tackle the vulnerabilities found in common platforms.
NRC Finds Cybersecurity Deficient at Davis-Besse
NRC ruled that the Davis-Besse nuclear plant in northwest Ohio violated cybersecurity rules and ordered owner Energy Harbor to develop new procedures.
ITC Holdings
ITC to Pay $20k for NERC Standards Violations
FERC OK'd a settlement between ReliabilityFirst and ITC Transmission for violations of NERC reliability standards at the Dearborn Industrial Generation site.
New Tech Needed for 100% Clean Energy, WECC Says
A WECC study found that the West needs emerging technologies capable of replicating the performance of gas plants to reach 100% clean energy by 2040.
Cross-Sound Cable Co.
DC Circuit Shoots down NE Utilities on CIP Cost Recovery Cutoff Date
Utilities cannot recover prior costs of complying with NERC's critical infrastructure protection standards in ISO-NE, the D.C. Circuit Court said.
Colonial Pipeline
Texas RE Urges Tightening Password Security
Texas Reliability Entity staff suggested that utilities do more to thwart cyber threats like last year's Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack.
Utilities Warned of Cyberattacks amid Russia Tensions
As fears of Russian military action against Ukraine rise, the U.S. government is urging cyber readiness at the nation's critical infrastructure operators.
Everett Chamber of Commerce
New England’s Reliability Debate Bleeds into FERC Compressor Decision
FERC’s Republican minority is arguing that the commission’s recent decision on the Weymouth Compressor Station is leading to uncertainty for gas developers.

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