March 10, 2025

Building Decarbonization

ISO-NE Prices Transmission Upgrades Needed by 2050: up to $26B
Transmission upgrades that are needed to avoid overloads in a fully electrified New England by 2050 could cumulatively cost between $22 billion and $26 billion, ISO-NE told its Planning Advisory Committee.
Federal Lawsuit Challenges New York State Natural Gas Ban
The suit says New York's ban is preempted by federal law, seeking to apply the precedent from the Ninth Circuit's decision overturning Berkeley Calif.'s ban.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Load Flexibility Could Hold Key to California Grid Constraints
Load flexibility is the fastest and cheapest way to prepare for rising electricity demand, panel participants at a CEC-EPRI conference said.
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Focused Strategies Needed to Electrify ‘Frontline’ Communities
To decarbonize homes in low-income communities, agencies need to remove administrative barriers, consider all types of housing and prepare for a hotter world, experts said.
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Manufacturers Commit to Helping California Reach 2030 Heat Pump Goal
Nine of the world's largest makers of building heating and cooling equipment have signed on to support California's goal of having 6 million new electric heat pumps by 2030.
California Needs Policies to Reduce New Construction Carbon Footprint

California needs both building-focused and material-focused approaches to driving down the embodied carbon in new construction if it is to reach its net zero goals, according to a new study.

New Buildings May be The Next Climate Solution

The building sector has the potential to move from being a massive emissions source to a carbon sink, a new report said.

Climate Alliance Seeks to Boost Heat Pump Sales
A coalition of 25 governors committed to a goal of 20 million heat pumps operating in their states by 2030. 
ACEEE Paper Says Rate Design Can Avoid Higher Bills from Electrification
ACEEE released a report highlighting strategies for avoiding higher overall energy bills from electrification, which is a concern for states with high average power prices.
NY Utility Thermal Energy Network Pilot Program Simmers
A year after New York ordered seven utilities to plan a series of thermal energy network pilot projects, none of the proposals is ready for regulatory consideration.

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