March 10, 2025

Generation & Fuels

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
RPS, CES Driving Smaller Share of Renewable Additions
A new report finds that the percentage of renewable energy generation additions associated with renewables portfolio standards has declined since the start of this century as development increased. 
Maine Approved for Floating Wind Research Lease
BOEM's decision paves the way for placement of up to 12 floating turbines with a combined rating of up to 144 MW in a Gulf of Maine research array.
Mike Jacobs
Stakeholder Soapbox: PJM Resists Battery Storage Reforms Given to Data Centers
Just as PJM negotiated provisions for data centers, they must do the same for battery storage. PJM’s next Order 2023 compliance filing is the time to make this change, says the Union of Concerned Scientists' Mike Jacobs.  
Revolution Wind
Revolution, Sunrise OSW Projects Face New Delays
Ørsted has run into new delays that will push back completion at least one of the two offshore wind farms it is building in U.S. waters. 
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Mass. Breaks Ground on Salem Offshore Wind Terminal
Massachusetts government leaders and project developers ceremonially broke ground on a major offshore wind terminal in the port city of Salem at the former site of a coal plant.
Tikilucas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Fate of Appalachian Power’s Coal Plants Debated in RPS Proceeding
The fate of two coal plants owned by AEP’s Appalachian Power is generating debate in a proceeding to approve the utility’s renewable portfolio standard plan at the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
NJ Awards $4.5M for Local Clean Energy Projects
New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities awarded $3.4 million in grants to 18 proposals under a new program designed to help municipalities implement clean energy projects.
Dominion and Equinor Win OSW Lease Auction
Two Central Atlantic offshore wind areas drew a combined $92.65 million in high bids during the region’s first federal wind lease auction in a decade.
No Environmental Impact Seen from Oregon OSW Leasing
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has concluded that leasing areas off the Oregon Coast for wind energy development would have no significant environmental impact.
Biden Raises Solar Cell Tariff Rate Quota to 12.5 GW
President Biden has more than doubled the Section 201 tariff rate quota for imported solar cells, from 5 GW to 12.5 GW per year.

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