Carbon Capture

Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
EPA Power Plant Proposal Gets Mixed Reception in Comments
EPA received comments on its proposal to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, with some, including ISO/RTOs, arguing the proposal needed major improvements to preserve reliability.
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Summit Showcases New Technologies to Accelerate Industrial Decarb
New technologies upend conventional wisdom that heavy industry — cement, steel, petrochemicals — will be hard to abate or require carbon capture. But how fast can they scale?
Rhodium Group
IRA Gets US Emissions Close to Pledged Levels, Report Finds
The IRA is pushing carbon cuts like no other enacted policy in the U.S.,  but more needs to be done to meet the international pledges from the Paris Agreement, Rhodium Group said in a report.
New York Seeks to Define Zero Emissions
New York is looking at a broader array of solutions as fossil plants retire and not enough renewables come online.
Maryland Climate Report Lays out Pathways to Achieving Goals
A report lays out a long list of actions Maryland could take to reach the GHG-reduction and clean energy targets set out in its climate law.
Energy Futures Initiative
Moniz Calls for ‘Substantial Effort’ on Bioenergy with Carbon Capture
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz says BECCS is needed because "every damn tenth of a degree is really important," but environmentalists say the technology is not carbon negative.
The Landscape of Clean Hydrogen
Report: Hydrogen Hubs Must Expand Beyond Those Chosen by DOE
Hydrogen report says Department of Energy hubs won't be enough and that more generation, and via electrolysis, will be needed.
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NY Renewable Portfolio May Come up Short on Getting to Net Zero
Facing a possibility that it won't be able to generate enough energy with existing renewables, New York is considering more controversial forms of generation.
EPA Proposes New Emissions Standards for Power Plants
EPA announced proposed rules to reduce CO2 emissions from coal and gas power plants by requiring them to use carbon capture and co-firing of hydrogen.
Carbon Capture Coalition
EPA Reportedly Soon to Release Rule on Power Plant CO2 Limits
EPA is poised to issue rules that would require all coal and gas-fired power plants to reduce or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040.

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