September 28, 2024

Transmission & Distribution

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley Lab: Utility-scale Solar Heading for Record 2023
After a down year, the Berkeley Lab sees new utility-scale solar capacity increasing more than fourfold by the mid-2030s to over 50 GW per year.
Eos Energy Enterprises
Dominion Energy Seeks Approval for Long-duration Storage Pilot
Dominion Energy asked Virginia’s State Corporation Commission to approve a long-duration energy storage pilot project testing two varieties of non-lithium-ion batteries.
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Proactive Hosting Capacity Planning is Essential for Evolving Grid
Utilities and customers both benefit when proactive hosting capacity planning is used to get ahead of the rising demand for distributed energy resources, panelists at the RE+ conference in Las Vegas said.
DOE Report Lays out Commercialization Path for VPPs
The Department of Energy released a report outlining how to bring more virtual power plants online, which can be a money-saving way of helping to balance the grid and maintain resource adequacy.
Report Touts Value of Demand Response, Flags Challenges Facing It
A Wood Mackenzie and CPower report highlights the importance of demand response and distributed energy resources in ensuring grid reliability.
Eos Energy Enterprises
LPO Makes $398 Million Conditional Loan to Long-duration Storage Company
Eos Energy Enterprises prides itself on procuring most of its raw materials within a day’s drive of its plants in Turtle Creek, Pa.
FERC Order 2023 Gets Rehearing Requests from Around the Industry
FERC got rehearing requests on its interconnection queue reforms in Order 2023 this week from around the industry.
Pa. PUC Proposes Guidelines for Distribution-level Storage
Pennsylvania regulators approved a policy statement that proposes guidelines for when utilities can use storage resources to increase reliability and resilience on the distribution system.
Duke Energy
Duke Files Settlement with Munis at FERC on Battery Dispute
Duke Energy Progress and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency filed a settlement with FERC regarding the latter using batteries to shave its peak demand.
ACP Asks FERC for Capacity Accreditation Technical Conference
The American Clean Power Association filed a petition at FERC asking the commission to take a universal look at capacity accreditation of different generation technologies.

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