September 30, 2024

Battery Electric Vehicles

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Tesla: NY Climate, ZEV Sales Laws ‘Out of Sync’
Tesla is backing a bill in New York that it says would protect dealer franchises while allowing ZEV manufacturers to grow through direct sales.
Nevada Reveals ZEV Program Details
A proposes Nevada ZEV program would allow small-volume car manufacturers to earn credits to bank or transfer through the state market for selling ZEVs.
DOE Targets Geothermal Extraction for Lithium Supply
DOE launched a geothermal lithium extraction competition to find solutions to commercialize extraction at geothermal power plants.
Reports Map out Many Routes to Net Zero
The authors of four U.S.-focused reports shared their insights on the policies they believe can drive rapid decarbonization across sectors.
Vt. Bill Seeks $3,000 EV Incentive for Low-income Residents
The Vt. House passed a transportation bill that would give a $3,000 incentive to low-income residents for removing an internal combustion car from the road.
Senate Explores Different Roads to Decarbonize Transportation
Vehicle industry and government leaders discussed accelerating development of lower-emission technologies with the Senate Energy Committee.
Pa. Seeking to Boost EV Sales
Pennsylvania is making a push to promote the purchase and driving of electric vehicles through new regulations, grants and promotional programs.
Mass. EV Subsidy ‘Isn’t Enough,’ Energy Office Says
Mass. will have to consider what low- and moderate-income households can afford in the electric vehicle transition if it plans to meet its 2035 EV targets.

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