March 25, 2025


The California Independent System Operator serves about 80% of California's electricity demand, including the service areas of the state's three investor-owned utilities. It also operates the Western Energy Imbalance Market, an interstate real-time market covering territory that accounts for 80% of the load in the Western Interconnection.
Capital Power
CAISO, EDF Trading Settle Fuel Cost Recovery Dispute
FERC approved a $528,000 settlement that ends a dispute between EDF Trading North America and CAISO over fuel cost recovery.
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Calif. Officials Approve New Safety Measures for Battery Storage
The California Public Utilities Commission voted to approve stricter safety standards on battery storage facilities following a series of incidents at battery facilities.
Pathways Initiative Receives Praise, Skepticism at Calif. Hearing
California senators heard arguments for and against the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative, with some lawmakers voicing concerns about guardrails against market manipulation and what the effort means for the state's autonomy to set its own policies.
NWPCC Considers Trump, Data Centers in Regional Power Plan
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council must ensure forecast models consider President Donald Trump’s shifting energy priorities to ensure the council’s upcoming 20-year regional power plan stays relevant, board members contended during a recent meeting.
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BPA Selects SPP Markets+ in Draft Policy
The Bonneville Power Administration announced it intends to join SPP’s Markets+, saying in its draft policy that the day-ahead market “is the best long-term strategic direction for Bonneville, its customers and the Northwest.”
Bonneville Power Administration
BPA to Restore 89 ‘Probationary’ Staff, Agency Confirms
DOE will allow the Bonneville Power Administration to reinstate 89 “probationary” employees and could provide the federal power agency exemptions from OPM’s reductions in force order, a BPA representative confirmed.
Camano Island Chamber of Commerce
7th ‘Issue Alert’ Highlights Markets+ Footprint
Proponents of SPP’s Markets+ argued in their last “issue alert” that the day-ahead market option provides a robust footprint with “exceptional generation and load diversity” across the region while also claiming recent warnings about its seam with CAISO’s EDAM are overblown.
Seattle City Light
Seattle City Light, Others Urge BPA to Pause Day-ahead Decision
The Bonneville Power Administration should remain in CAISO’s WEIM and hold off on joining a day-ahead market, Seattle City Light and other Northwest parties urged in a letter sent to BPA CEO John Hairston.
IBR Lessons Can Guide Data Center Challenges, WECC Report Finds
With data centers already causing “major disturbances” on the grid, the industry could learn lessons from the recent growth and implementation of IBRs, according to a new Elevate Energy Consulting study.
Data Center Grid Integration Top Theme at CEC Workshop
As some data center operators plan to power their facilities with onsite generation, one researcher a California Energy Commission workshop suggested it might be better to get electricity from the grid instead.

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