Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)
The competition for organized markets in the West grew Friday as the Bonneville Power Administration launched a process to choose between day-ahead markets proposed by CAISO and SPP and regulators from five Western states urged the establishment of a new, independent RTO covering the entire West.
The more than 5,000 MW of batteries connected to the CAISO grid are playing in increasing role in maintaining reliability, a report from the ISO's Market Monitor shows.
PacifiCorp will be able to meet Oregon’s ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for electric utilities but “it will not be without challenges,” a company official said.
The Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body appointed new member Rebecca Wagner and elected a new chair and vice chair from among its members.
Legislators ended the session by passing bills related to IRPs for electric and gas utilities and a bill creating a zero-emission truck incentive program.
CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market yielded members $418.82 million in economic benefits during the first three months of 2023, a first-quarter record.
A bill to strengthen the IRP process for Nevada utilities and require them to increase their energy independence has emerged late in the legislature’s session.
FERC approved changes to WEIM's resource sufficiency evaluation, including allowing transfers to members that fail to meet their RSE obligations.
Western regulators heard from a power panel of CEOs on maintaining grid reliability in the face of fires, storms, extreme heat and supply chain disruptions.
The BLM’s record of decision for Pattern Energy’s SunZia transmission line was also the final major approval needed for SouthWestern Power Group’s RioSol line.
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