September 30, 2024


The Electric Reliability Council of Texas manages the flow of electric power to about 90 percent of the state’s electric load. The nonprofit independent system operator is governed by a board of directors and is subject to oversight by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Texas Legislature.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Oct. 22, 2021
Texas regulators reacted to another potential conservation call by ERCOT by assuring residents the grid operator is using other tools in its toolbox.
NextEra Energy Resources
NextEra Buying up Water Companies
NextEra Energy has entered into a $45 million agreement to acquire a portfolio of regulated water and wastewater assets in eight counties near Houston.
Consumer Groups Call for Efficiency, DR Measures
As Texas regulators prepare to release a blueprint for a redesigned ERCOT market, ACEEE warned of overlooking benefits from efficiency and demand response.
© RTO Insider LLC
Texas PUC Appoints Members to Reliability Council
The Texas PUC announced eight electric reps to the Texas Energy Reliability Council, created to address critical infrastructure issues.
ERCOT’s Jones Looks Ahead, not Behind
Interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones focused on the grid operator's need to adapt its market to future changes during a speech to the Gas and Power Institute.
Dominion Energy
DOE: Atlantic Coast Needs Integrated Transmission Planning for OSW
Offshore wind is often mismatched with consumer demand for electricity; better transmission planning can help avoid curtailment, congestion, report says.
New ERCOT Board Approves Governance Changes
ERCOT’s newly reconstituted Board of Directors met for just 20 minutes to share congratulatory messages and approve bylaws incorporating state legislation.
Franklin Management/Texas Centra
Two New ERCOT Directors Named, Replacing Current Board
A selection committee has chosen a chairman and another director to lead ERCOT's newly constituted Board of Directors.
Texas Admin Monitor
Regulators Debate Competition in Entergy’s Texas Footprint
The Texas PUC discussed the lack of competition in Entergy Texas’ footprint, questioning whether previous cost recoveries have benefited ratepayers.
Texas Senate
Texas Senators Call for New RRC Weatherization Rules
A Texas Senate committee sent a letter to the Railroad Commission, asking it to revise its gas-fired generator weatherization rulemaking.

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