FERC & Federal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities.
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements has focused her energy on grid-enhancing technologies since joining the commission and taken a key role in helping establish appropriate incentive mechanisms.
FERC ordered Linde and NIPSCO to pay a combined $66.7 million in penalties and disgorgement for manipulating MISO’s demand response program.
FERC rejected PG&E's request for an adder to its transmission rates based on its participation in CAISO, finding that California law precludes it from leaving the ISO without the state’s permission.
FERC has approved ISO-NE’s proposal to delay Forward Capacity Auction 19 by one year, pushing the auction to February 2026.
FERC OKd Dairyland Power Coop’s requested rate incentives for the Wilmarth-North Rochester-Tremval project, a 169-mile line spanning Minnesota and Wisconsin.
A federal appeals court rejected Lincoln Electric System’s request to review a FERC decision turning down the utility’s request to recover costs from its investment in a Wyoming generating facility.
FERC approved transmission rate incentives for New York Transco’s Propel NY Energy project, but ordered settlement proceedings on its proposed base ROE of 10.7%
FERC rejected a proposal Duke Energy filed to update its transmission planning process in the Carolinas due to a cost threshold in the proposal, saying other aspects of the filing seemed just and reasonable.
CAISO marked a key milestone in its Western expansion efforts after FERC approved nearly every aspect of its proposed Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Both EPA and FERC received comments on how reliability can be maintained under the former’s power plant rule that requires fossil fuel-fired units to curtail their emissions.
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