October 4, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
BOEM Hears Public Support for South Fork OSW
Fishermen, environmentalists, labor unions and local residents broadly support the 132-MW South Fork Wind Project off Long Island.
MISO TOs’ Self-funding Option Tested Again
Two FERC commissioners still have heartburn over a 2018 commission order reinstating MISO transmission owners’ rights to self-fund network upgrades.
FERC’s Glick Lays out Priorities in Press Conference
FERC's Richard Glick said he has 5 priorities in his new role, chief among them ensuring electricity market rules don't discriminate against new technology.
EEI: Net Zero by 2035 ‘Incredibly Difficult’
The Edison Electric Institute is skeptical about its ability to meet the Biden administration’s goal of carbon-free electricity by 2035.
Net Metering Reform Means Asking New Questions
Panelists at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Winter Policy Summit discussed the benefits and challenges of net energy metering.
Order 2222 Testing Planning, Communications
FERC’s directive to open wholesale markets to aggregations of DERs is forcing states to consider more holistic system planning.
Congress Urged to Codify Clinton Order on Enviro Justice
President Biden’s early directives on environmental justice do not go far enough, members of the House Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change heard.
Report: ‘Social Contract’ Needed for Decarbonization
The focus on technology in the transition to a carbon-free economy ignores the social impacts of the changes, the National Academies said in a report.
Net Metering Successors Need ‘Holistic Approach’
Four trends have emerged from the evolution of net energy metering rate design, an industry expert told state utility commissioners and their staff.
ACORE: COVID, Impeachment Could Delay Infrastructure Bill
Congress could push an infrastructure financing bill into the second quarter, imperiling the legislative goals of clean energy industries, the ACORE warned.

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