September 30, 2024


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
FCA 17 Shows Clean Energy Boost, Endgame for Coal in New England
ISO-NE touted its role in New England’s energy transition as it announced the final results of Forward Capacity Auction 17, for the 2026-27 procurement period.
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Overheard at the 2023 NECA Renewable Energy Conference
Maria Robinson, director of DOE’s Grid Deployment Office, gave an update on the work her team has been doing to allocate a great deal of funding from the IIJA.
FCA 17 Sees Low Capacity Prices Stick Around
ISO-NE procured 31,370 MW in this year’s capacity auction, the grid operator said Friday.
FERC Gives ISO-NE Homework on Order 2222
ISO-NE has more work to do to comply with Order 2222, FERC said, faulting its metering and participation rules for DER aggregations.
Sierra Club Report Pins New England’s High Prices on Gas Reliance
New England’s over-reliance on gas-fired power is the cause of big spikes in electricity prices this winter, the Sierra Club said in a new report.
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Massachusetts Staffs Up with Regional Energy Experts
Massachusetts’ Energy and Environmental Affairs office recruited veteran policy makers to fill new positions aimed at improving regional energy collaboration.
Avangrid Pushes Forward on NECEC, Offshore Wind, PNM Merger
Avangrid announced Wednesday that its net income increased 16% in 2022 over 2021 but projected flat financials in 2023.
FERC Denies RENEW Northeast Complaint
FERC dismissed a complaint that alleged ISO-NE has “undue preference” for gas generators in its capacity accreditation, operating reserve rules.
Eversource Still Eyeing Offshore Wind Sale
Eversource’s 2022 earnings were hit by continued uncertainty over its offshore wind portfolio despite record profits, the company said in a call with analysts.
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How to Quicken Transmission Development Discussed at NARUC
Electric transmission projects move too slowly, Maryland Public Service Commission Chairman Jason Stanek said at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit on Monday.

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