December 6, 2024

NEPOOL Markets Committee

SayCheeeeeese, CC0 1.0 Public Domain, via Wikipedia
ISO-NE Updates Plans for Capacity Reforms for CCP 19 and Beyond
ISO-NE reiterated its plans not to include in its capacity auction reform project the development of ambient temperature modeling capabilities or a new simultaneous seasonal auction clearing engine.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Refines Scope, Schedule for Capacity Auction Reforms
ISO-NE is not planning to pursue the development of simultaneously clearing seasonal capacity auctions as part of its capacity auction reform project.
© RTO Insider LLC
ISO-NE Responds to Feedback on Capacity Auction Reforms Scope
ISO-NE’s Capacity Auction Reforms project will include an evaluation of additional resource accreditation modeling enhancements, the RTO told the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
EMC Enineering Services
ISO-NE Outlines ‘Straw Scope’ of Capacity Market Reforms
ISO-NE responded to stakeholder feedback on its capacity auction reform project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting, providing clarity on the scope of its capacity market overhaul. 
NEPOOL Markets Committee Restarts Work on Capacity Market Changes
ISO-NE presented the initial scope of its work to coordinate resource capacity accreditation improvements with proposed capacity market timing changes at the NEPOOL Markets Committee summer meeting.
NE Generators Propose Financial Assurance Changes
NEPGA and CPV offered amendments to ISO-NE’s proposed changes to the financial assurance provisions for the Forward Capacity Market.
ISO-NE: RCA Changes to Increase Capacity Market Revenues by 11%
ISO-NE’s proposed resource capacity accreditation updates would result in an estimated 11% increase in capacity market revenues, the RTO told the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: April 9-10, 2024
ISO-NE continued work on resource capacity accreditation changes, outlining how changes to the overall resource mix could affect the reliability value of different resource types.  
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: March 13, 2024
ISO-NE presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee with additional results of the impact analysis for the RTO’s resource capacity accreditation project, which looked at how changes to the resource mix would affect the seasonal distribution of shortfall risks.
NEPOOL MC Backs Further Forward Capacity Auction Delay
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved an additional two-year delay of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 19 to develop and implement a new seasonal capacity auction.

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