ISO-NE Consumer Liaison GroupISO-NE Planning Advisory CommitteeNEPOOL Markets CommitteeNEPOOL Participants CommitteeNEPOOL Reliability CommitteeNEPOOL Transmission Committee
ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
RENEW Northeast is asking FERC to shift the burden of network upgrade operations and maintenance costs in ISO-NE off of interconnection customers.
A panel of energy experts took ISO-NE’s capacity market to task, lambasting the region’s Forward Capacity Market and offering ideas about how to improve it.
FERC’s delayed response to ISO-NE means that distributed energy resources won’t have a new way to participate in the grid operator’s next capacity auction.
As ISO-NE continues to hack away at the complicated process of updating its capacity accreditation method, the grid operator is turning its attention to gas.
Activists organized by No Coal No Gas flooded the RTO's Consumer Liaison Group meeting to elect a slate of candidates to its coordinating committee.
Maine’s high court issued another favorable ruling for the New England Clean Energy Connect project, which analysts say has "resuscitated [its] viability."
ISO-NE is finalizing changes to its economic study process as it works through the NEPOOL stakeholder gauntlet.
Federal regulators signed off on a Japanese company’s plan to buy three gas-fired generators in New England, despite opposition from consumer advocates.
ISO-NE will not incorporate an amendment approved by the NEPOOL Participants Committee to include pumped storage resources in its Inventoried Energy Program.
Avangrid declared the Commonwealth Wind project is no longer financially viable, potentially delaying the effort to site wind power off Massachusetts' coast.
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