March 10, 2025


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
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ISO-NE Gets an Earful at its First Public Board Meeting
ISO-NE’s Board of Directors had the rare experience of staring public criticism in the face as the grid operator held its first open board meeting.
Eversource Calls on Feds to Prepare Emergency Actions for New England
Eversource Energy, New England’s largest utility, is piling on to calls for winter help from the federal government.
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NEPOOL to Consider Raising ISO-NE Board Age Limit
NEPOOL stakeholders will consider whether to increase the age limit for members of ISO-NE’s Board of Directors, hoping to expand the pool of job candidates.
Can New England Conserve Like California?
Buoyed by California's success this summer, New England state and grid officials are refining plans to use conservation pleas in case of an energy emergency.
A Massachusetts Climate Group Takes its Message to NEPOOL
The Massachusetts Climate Action Network has joined NEPOOL membership as it looks to add a regional lens to its work.
Sunrun’s Virtual Plant Sees Success in ISO-NE Capacity Market
Sunrun is calling its first year in the ISO-NE capacity market a success after sending more than 1.8 GWh of energy back to the New England grid.
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RTOs, Utilities Push Back on Interconnection Deadlines, Penalties
RTOs and others opposed FERC's proposed penalties for missing interconnection study deadlines while generation developers balked at commercial readiness rules.
ISO-NE Firms up its Support for Marginal Capacity Accreditation
ISO-NE is narrowing down its options as it moves forward with revamping its process for resource capacity accreditation.
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ISO-NE Proposes Tweaks to Inventoried Energy Program
ISO-NE is proposing changes to its winter fuel security plan to answer a court order and account for the swirling global natural gas markets.
Mystic Cost Worries Highlight NEPOOL PC Meeting
A group of New England suppliers is raising worries about the costs of the cost-of-service agreement between ISO-NE and the Mystic Generating Station.

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