October 6, 2024

Capacity Market

Ameren Missouri
MISO Intent on Marginal Accreditation and Requirements Based on Risky Hours
MISO is holding to its plan to enact a widescale marginal capacity accreditation while swapping risky hours for peak load to calculate its reserve margin requirements.
MISO Members Suggest Improvements After 1st Seasonal Capacity Auction
In the wake of MISO’s first seasonal capacity auction, members have asked the RTO to improve its generator outage rules, preliminary data sharing and the registry tool used to track capacity.
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MACRUC Panels Discuss Myriad Challenges Facing PJM
Panelists held several discussions on interregional transmission planning, resource adequacy and the risks posed by extreme weather during the Mid-Atlantic Conference of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners (MACRUC) annual educational conference held from June 26 through 28.
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Former FERC Commissioners Share Outlooks with MACRUC
Current or former FERC commissioners  shared their views on the future of RTOs and the relationship between state and federal regulators.
ISO-NE Considers Major Capacity Market Changes
ISO-NE outlines a potential switch to a prompt and seasonal capacity market.
FERC Accepts NYISO’s Revisions to CRIS
FERC issued an order accepting NYISO's proposed tariff revisions to CRIS rights, which will make them easier for deactivated facilities to to adjust.
Orchidus, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
North Carolina Businesses Endorse Market Reform Studies
North Carolina businesses called for a study of wholesale market competition, including a possible RTO, citing a lack of “cost-competitive, clean energy.”
NextEra Energy
MISO IMM Zeroes in on Tx Congestion in State of the Market Report
MISO’s IMM debuted five new recommendations as part of his annual State of the Market Report, as multiple suggestions were aimed at maximizing transmission utilization by clamping down on wind-related congestion.
MISO Operators Helm Uneventful May
May in MISO proved no trouble for control room operators.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Vistra’s Deal for Energy Harbor Runs into Opposition at FERC
Vistra Energy's deal to buy Energy Harbor ran into opposition at FERC, where parties argued it would harm Ohio's retail market and further concentrate PJM's wholesale market.

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