Capacity Market

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PJM Seeking Expedited Approval of Energy Efficiency Changes
PJM proposed changes to how it measures and verifies the capacity contribution of energy efficiency resources, drawing concerns the RTO is moving too fast to implement changes ahead of the next capacity auction.
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FERC Catches Ketchup Caddy Co. in Another Fake DR Scheme in MISO
FERC is poised to levy a total $27 million in penalties on a Texas-based LLC meant to sell in-car ketchup holders that collected more than $1 million in undeserved MISO demand response payments.
Prices, Renewables Rise in New England Capacity Auction

ISO-NE's capacity prices cleared at $3.58/kW-month in FCA 18, a nearly $1 increase over last year.

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PJM Seeks Waiver to Postpone 2025/26 Capacity Auction
PJM submitted a waiver request asking FERC to delay the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction by 35 days, which would bump the commencement to July 17.
NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: Feb. 15, 2024
NYISO’s Operating Committee voted to approve the results from the Expedited Deliverability Study (EDS) 2023-01 report that included 16 projects, two of which were found to be undeliverable.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Feb. 6, 2024
ISO-NE presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee with the initial results of the RTO’s Resource Capacity Accreditation.
Analysis Group
ISO-NE Moving Forward with Prompt, Seasonal Capacity Market Design
ISO-NE told the NEPOOL Markets Committee that it is proposing a major redesign to its capacity market, moving from a three-years-ahead schedule to a prompt and seasonal design.
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FERC Rejects Changes to PJM Capacity Performance Penalties
FERC has rejected a PJM proposal to rework the role of performance penalties in its capacity market and how the associated risks can be reflected in seller offers.
Ohio House of Representatives
Ohio, Pa. Officials Examine PJM Reliability in Joint Session
Ohio and Pennsylvania lawmakers met in Columbus for a hearing on the future reliability of the PJM grid, quizzing RTO and industry insiders on the role states can have in maintaining resource adequacy.
Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Grants AEP Utilities Waiver of Capacity Obligation
FERC granted American Electric Power waivers to alter the capacity obligation calculation for four of its vertically integrated utilities in PJM to not include load growth outside their territories.

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