Capacity Market

Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Refines Scope, Schedule for Capacity Auction Reforms
ISO-NE is not planning to pursue the development of simultaneously clearing seasonal capacity auctions as part of its capacity auction reform project.
Casey Monaghan, CC-BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia
New England Generators Protest ISO-NE Financial Assurance Changes
A recently filed proposal by ISO-NE to increase the collateral requirements for generators with capacity supply obligations has received strong pushback from the New England Power Generators Association.
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PJM MIC Briefs: Oct. 9, 2024
PJM has proposed changes to the demand response availability window, which determines when the curtailment capability is evaluated as accredited capacity and expected to be online for dispatch.
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MISO Demand Response Under Increasing Scrutiny; IMM Warns of More Potential Schemes
Demand response in MISO is poised to be subject to more rigorous standards as the Independent Market Monitor warns of more potential bad actors.
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Transition Spurs Power Producers to Ask for Fresh Look at MISO Cost of New Entry
Midwestern power producers are asking for re-evaluation of MISO’s cost of new entry in light of recent clean energy goals.
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FERC’s Rosner Talks Priorities at American Clean Power Association
FERC Commissioner David Rosner told members of the American Clean Power Association that one of his main goals is to successfully manage the energy industry’s transition.
Dynegy Unsuccessful in Rehearing Requests of 2015 MISO Capacity Auction Manipulation Case
Nearly a decade on, the saga over Dynegy’s manipulation of MISO’s capacity market continues, with FERC denying the company’s asks for procedural changes that might have softened repercussions in the case.
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PJM Stakeholders Delay Vote on Generator Deactivation Rules
PJM stakeholders delayed voting on five proposals to rework the notification deadlines for generation deactivations and how compensation for reliability-must-run contracts is determined.
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PJM Working to Speed Development of New Capacity
PJM is trying to figure out how the development of new capacity can be sped up as a growing number of resources have cleared the interconnection queue but not entered commercial operation.
Talen Energy
PIO Complaint Faults PJM Treatment of Deactivating Generation
Several public interest organizations have filed a complaint with FERC contending PJM’s capacity market inflates consumer prices by not counting generators operating on RMR agreements as a form of capacity.

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