Ancillary Services
FERC rejected Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association’s proposed rates, ruling that the cooperative failed to unbundle ancillary services as has been required since 1996.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved proposed tariff changes to allow energy storage resources co-located with a dispatchable generator behind a single point of interjection to participate in the markets.
MISO announced that it saved its membership approximately $5 billion in 2023 by providing a resource sharing pool for utilities.
FERC approved ISO-NE’s proposal to create a day-ahead ancillary services market and retire the current Forward Reserve Market, effective March 1, 2025.
PJM's Members Committee is slated to consider endorsing an overhaul to the RTO's regulation market with one price signal and two products representing a resource’s ability to adjust their output up or down.
PJM reviewed comments it is jointly submitting with other RTOs on several proposed changes to EPA regulations during the Operating Committee meeting.
ERCOT is focused on dispatchable resources to meet the ever-increasing demand for energy in Texas.
The PJM MRC and MC both endorsed a proposal to rework the regulation market to operate with a single price signal and two products provided by market sellers.
FERC has reaffirmed that MISO can exclude renewable resources from providing ancillary services in its markets.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee will consider endorsement of two competing proposals to implement multi-schedule modeling, while the Members Committee will endorse representatives for the Finance Committee.
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