October 10, 2024

Energy Market

RTO CEOs Trade Quips, Thoughts on Future at GCPA
At the Gulf Coast Power Association’s annual spring conference, ERCOT CEO Bill Magness once again moderated a panel of his counterparts from around the country.
© RTO Insider
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs: April 19, 2018
PJM members at last week’s MRC meeting endorsed revisions to an initiative examining the calculation of the balancing ratio used in setting capacity offer caps.
CAISO Says Changes Will Better Match Forecasting, Demand
CAISO provided details on its plans for major changes to improve the alignment of its day-ahead market with real-time demand.
RTOs Take to Catwalk for Western Commissioners
Grid Operators for the three RTOs vying to organize Western electricity markets faced off before an audience of utility regulators in what one state commissioner billed a “beauty pageant.”
FERC Orders RTOs to Shine Light on Uplift Data
FERC ordered RTOs and ISOs to submit monthly reports detailing their uplift payments and operator-initiated commitments.
Western Regulators Get Schooled in RTO Legal 101
The West’s utility regulators took a crash course on the legal implications of their utilities joining organized electric markets (RTOs)at the spring 2018 joint CREPC-WIRAB meeting.
UPDATED: NY Task Force Briefed on Carbon Charge Mechanics
At this week's meeting of the IPPTF, NYISO presented two options for pricing carbon emissions in its markets, saying neither would require changes to its software or the frequency of settlements.
The Brattle Group
Report: Nuke Loss Would Undo Renewable Growth
The closure of four nuclear plants in Pennsylvania and Ohio would boost power prices and carbon emissions, undoing the clean air benefits of renewables, according to a Brattle Group report.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: April 10, 2018
The ERCOT Board of Directors rejected an appeal by small public power distributors seeking a proposed change to the definition of transmission owners.
Overheard at Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit
Hundreds of investors, utility executives and others gathered for Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Future of Energy Summit.

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