Energy Market

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New Mexico Plots Next Steps for Day-ahead Market Decisions
As a next step in deciding which of two competing Western day-ahead markets to join, two of the state's utilities are commissioning a study of transfer capability under different market scenarios.
CAISO Moves for Expedited Change to Soft Offer Cap
CAISO is proposing to raise the soft offer cap in its market from $1,000/MWh to $2,000 to accommodate the bidding needs of battery storage and hydro resources in time for operations this summer.
Nevada Power Exempted from Market Power Filing Requirement
FERC granted Nevada Power an exemption simplifying the NV Energy subsidiary’s filing of its triennial updated market power analysis.
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Seams Concerns Won’t Drive Day-ahead Market Decision, BPA Says
BPA’s choice of a day-ahead market will not be driven by concerns about the impact of the seams that would divide the two markets proposed for the West, an agency official made clear.
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PJM MIC Briefs: May 1, 2024
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed by acclamation a rewrite of Manual 18 to implement market redesigns drafted through the critical issue fast path process.
CAISO’s Capacity Procurement Mechanism Inefficient, Stakeholders Say
Lack of visibility into the contract and availability status of the fleet is causing “inefficiencies” in CAISO’s capacity procurement mechanism process, staff and stakeholders said. 
WEIM Q1 Benefits Report Adds to NW Cold Snap Debate
CAISO’s first-quarter benefits report offers another footnote to the debate over the market’s role in the response to the January deep freeze that brought parts of the Northwest to the brink of rolling blackouts.
SPP Markets+ Tariff Sparks Concerns for PacifiCorp, NV Energy
Although PacifiCorp formally committed to joining CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market, the utility is still voicing concerns about a competing day-ahead market, SPP’s Markets+, in a FERC filing. 
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Western Officials Get Rundown on ‘Irritating, Inefficient’ Market Seams
Utility staff charged with managing real-time operations will be equipped to deal with the seams between two Western day-ahead markets, but the situation will be far from ideal, Western state energy officials heard at the CREPC-WIRAB spring conference.
PJM MRC Briefs: April 25, 2024
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee delayed voting on a proposal to establish a multi-scenario long-term transmission planning process to allow stakeholders to see what action FERC may take on regional planning.

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