March 10, 2025

Energy Market

ISO-NE Increases Peak Load Forecasts
ISO-NE increases 10-year summer and winter peak load predictions, with big gains coming from electrified heating and transportation.
WEIM Wins FERC OK for Resource Sufficiency Changes
FERC approved changes to WEIM's resource sufficiency evaluation, including allowing transfers to members that fail to meet their RSE obligations.
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ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: May 23, 2023
ERCOT staff report designating 19 firm fuel supply service resources after the Legislature passed safeguard bill.
Potomac Economics
NYISO MMU Calls for Improved Shortage Pricing, More Capacity Zones
NYISO needs to improve shortage pricing and create smaller capacity zones, the ISO’s market monitoring unit reports in its 2022 State of the Market report.
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Uncertain Future for Texas’ Renewables Industry
The Texas Legislature is working to pass bills to facilitate fossil fuel energy generation but limit renewable energy generation.
New York Governors Office
NY Moves to Boost Hydrogen Production and Development
New York announced two efforts to help boost hydrogen as a means of reaching its emission-reduction goals, including energy investments from NYPA and NYSERDA.
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NE Stakeholders Support Developing Time-varying Rates
Energy leaders in New England are calling on the states to look at developing time-varying rates to reduce costs and environmental burdens.
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FERC Settles with 2 DR Firms over Inflated Bids in CAISO
FERC approved settlements with two demand response aggregators for allegedly bidding more resources than they could provide to CAISO’s market.
SPP Briefs: Week of May 15, 2023
SPP says it expects “normal” summer operations in its balancing authority and reliability coordinator areas this summer, despite a projected drought.
CAISO, WEIM Approve Day-ahead Market Enhancements
Changes meant to improve the performance of CAISO’s day-ahead market and the planned day-ahead expansion of its Western Energy Imbalance Market won board approval.

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