Energy Market
FERC released its State of the Market report, which showed some of the highest natural gas and power prices in years.
The PJM MIC endorsed a problem statement and issue charge to explore multi-schedule modeling of combined cycle generators in the market clearing engine.
Average PJM LMPs doubled to a record-high $80/MWh last year, driven mostly by coal and natural gas prices, the RTO’s Independent Market Monitor reported.
MISO said it experienced a “complete loss of monitoring or control capability” at its control center on March 1, setting off short-lived energy imbalances.
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas endorsed the PUC's performance credit mechanism, saying it will incent new and preserve existing dispatchable generation.
The Energy Bar Association Western Chapter heard panelists and CAISO's CEO discuss rapidly evolving efforts to organize markets and an RA program in the West.
FERC rejected SPP’s capacity accreditation methodology for wind and solar resources and granted a rehearing request of its prior approval.
MISO says it’s leaning toward a simplified method to handle the market participation of combination battery storage and renewable energy resources.
MISO continues to defend its decision to export gigawatts of power to its neighbors during the expansive, late December winter storm.
MISO said a spring under typical demand and generation outages shouldn’t prove much trouble.
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