Energy Market
A Western RTO could yield significant economic benefits, adding billions to the region’s GDP and generating thousands of new jobs, a new report says.
PJM members approved a change to the Consensus Based Issue Resolution process and received briefings on options for capacity auction parameters.
The New York grid performed well in the summer’s 1st heat wave July 20-24, NYISO vice president of operations Aaron Markham told the NYISO Management Committee.
Western regulators and consumer advocates should be prepared to commit much time and resources to RTO membership, panel members said at NARUC's summer meeting.
PJM's MIC OK'd rules on accounting for PTC/REC revenue and dealing with long-term market suspensions and discussed a loophole allowing CTs to ignore dispatch.
As it navigates a tough summer, MISO is more optimistic on its ability to successfully manage fall operations.
After stakeholder criticisms, MISO is insisting before FERC that it’s appropriate to take until 2030 to open its markets to aggregators of DERs.
MISO is evaluating new recommendations from its Market Monitor that include transmission reconfiguration plans, reducing out-of-market commitments and more.
AEP Ohio told PJM vegetation was a likely cause of the transmission failures that left more than 240,000 customers without power after storms in June.
ERCOT’s Board of Directors has resolved one of two contentious issues between staff and stakeholders, setting the other aside for the time being.
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