Energy Market
The Texas PUC expressed concern that ERCOT is not moving quickly enough to implement the many changes to the market directed by the state legislature.
PJM's proposal regarding the development of new rules for the interconnection process won near unanimous support from the Planning Committee.
MISO flirted with its first maximum generation event of the year, a month after it cautioned members that winter operations would get risky.
SACE is renewing criticisms that TVA’s upcoming participation in SEEM will stifle renewable resource buildout and shut out more cost-efficient options.
South Carolina state-run water and power provider Santee Cooper is the latest utility to join the new Southeast Energy Exchange Market.
PJM's year was punctuated by changes in the capacity market as votes by stakeholders led to the implementation of the RTO’s narrowed MOPR.
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
PJM's upcoming 2023/24 BRA is set to be delayed again after FERC partially reversed its 2020 decision on the RTO’s energy price formation revisions.
The ICAP/MIWG discussed rising energy prices, Order 2222 compliance, dynamically scheduling reserves and keeping critical infrastructure out of DR programs.
Texas regulators on Thursday pushed ahead with a market re-design strawman, issuing directives to ERCOT to work with PUC staff in implementing the changes.
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