Energy Market
Texas regulators reacted to another potential conservation call by ERCOT by assuring residents the grid operator is using other tools in its toolbox.
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie blasted Chair Richard Glick and Commissioner Allison Clements for opposing the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM).
FERC has authorized a MISO settlement that will replace a rate schedule for use of transmission between its Midwest and South regions.
As Texas regulators prepare to release a blueprint for a redesigned ERCOT market, ACEEE warned of overlooking benefits from efficiency and demand response.
Panelists at a FERC technical conference on energy and ancillary services markets agreed that rules should be changed to incent new resource types.
Interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones focused on the grid operator's need to adapt its market to future changes during a speech to the Gas and Power Institute.
FERC announced on Wednesday the Southeast Energy Exchange Market will move ahead after the evenly split commission failed to reach a decision in time.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee held its first in-person meeting since March 2020 after going exclusively virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PJM stakeholders will vote next month on two different proposals seeking to improve the deployment of synchronized reserves during a spin event.
The Texas PUC discussed the lack of competition in Entergy Texas’ footprint, questioning whether previous cost recoveries have benefited ratepayers.
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