Energy Market
The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada said a Western market would help alleviate supply shortfalls like those that occurred last August.
FERC provided guidance to Western electricity sellers on how and when to seek exceptions for transactions that exceed the region’s $1,000/MWh soft cap.
The Nevada governor’s office will soon be inviting interested parties to apply for a seat on a new task force that will advise the governor and lawmakers on bringing the state into an RTO. The Regional Transmission Coordination Task Force is the product of Senate Bill 448, a wide ranging energy bill that Gov. Steve …
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Cyndy Sims Parr, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC issued a show-cause order to PJM, saying that the RTO’s tariff appeared to allow generators to exercise market power
The MISO Market Subcommittee meeting ran the gamut of storage participation, discovery of a longstanding energy pricing error and FTR underfunding.
Xcel's Public Service Company of Colorado decided to delay its entry into CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market in order to re-examine its decision.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee approved the membership application of the New England Power Generators Association at its monthly meeting.
Sponsors of the Southeast Energy Exchange Market responded to a FERC deficiency notice with changes to increase transparency and allay market power concerns.
Nine former FERC members urged the commission Wednesday to push for organized power markets in all regions of the country, including the West and Southeast.
Day two of FERC’s technical conference emphasized the need for more transmission to facilitate trading and properly compensating demand-side resources.
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