September 30, 2024


The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
Con Edison
NYISO Shares Order 2222 Response with Stakeholders
With a filing due Nov. 19, NYISO presented stakeholders its draft responses to FERC’s data request regarding its Order 2222 compliance.
Northeast RTOs Asked to Run Offshore Transmission Studies
A group of environmentalists and clean energy industry proponents asked RTOs in the Northeast to conduct interregional offshore wind transmission studies.
Con Edison
Con Edison Q3 Earnings up on Clean Energy Growth
Con Ed reported third-quarter net income of $538 million ($1.52/share), up 9.1% compared with $493 million ($1.47/share) in the same period a year ago.
NYISO Looks at Capacity Market Change Cost Impacts
Stakeholders at NYISO's ICAP Market Issues Working Group discussed methods used to measure consumer impacts caused by changes to buyer-side mitigation rules.
New York Writing Ending to Tale of Two Grids
New York City is set to replace dirty power plants with clean energy from up the Hudson and in the ocean, with an estimated $26 billion in projects.
NY State
NYISO to Resume In-person Meetings Nov. 17
NYISO plans to bring most employees back to the headquarters building Nov. 1st and resume holding in-person stakeholder meetings on Nov. 17.
Ben Schumin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
New York Regulators Deny Astoria, Danskammer Gas Projects’ Air Permits
The New York DEC denied air permits for NRG's Astoria and Danskammer Energy's gas-fired generator projects, saying they would not comply with the CLCPA.
NYISO Details Comprehensive Mitigation Review, Related Impacts
Stakeholders last week discussed NYISO’s comprehensive mitigation review and presentations on related consumer and market impacts.
Mwanner, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FERC Hits NY Hydro Plant for Delayed Repairs
FERC threatened to fine the former operator of a New York hydro project for failing to complete safety repairs before losing its rights to the dam.
Southern California Edison
Stakeholders Ask FERC to Support E&AS Market Changes
Panelists at a FERC technical conference on energy and ancillary services markets agreed that rules should be changed to incent new resource types.

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