Other NYISO Committees
Stakeholders at NYISO's ICAP Market Issues Working Group discussed methods used to measure consumer impacts caused by changes to buyer-side mitigation rules.
Stakeholders last week discussed NYISO’s comprehensive mitigation review and presentations on related consumer and market impacts.
NYISO is prototyping dynamically scheduled reserves to test the effectiveness of incorporating the methodology into its market software.
The NYISO Market Monitor reported energy markets performed competitively in the second quarter of 2021, with all-in prices ranging from $21 to $67/MWh.
NYISO proposed to exempt most new ICAP suppliers from buyer-side market power mitigation evaluation if they use solar, wind, storage or demand response.
NYISO Q1 prices returned to pre-pandemic levels, the Market Monitor said in presenting the State of the Market report for the first quarter.
NYISO kicked off an effort to create a market participation model for hybrid storage aggregation resources.
NYISO wants to align studies for setting statewide installed reserve margin with those setting locational minimum installed capacity requirements.
NYISO proposed a three-tier approach for working on projects in its Grid in Transition initiative and how to measure their effects.
NYISO is proposing to update its buyer-side mitigation processes to keep up with the number of new resources that will potentially be subject to the rules.
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