September 30, 2024


PJM Interconnection LLC is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Dominion Energy
Virginia SCC Approves 800 MW of Renewables for Dominion
Virginia regulators approved Dominion Energy's latest plan to comply with the commonwealth's RPS, which includes new solar and storage projects.
© RTO Insider LLC
PJM: Elliott Nonperformance Penalties Total More Than $1.8B
PJM has assessed more than $1.8 billion in performance penalties on generators that underperformed during the December 2022 winter storm, the RTO said.
Grid Strategies
Grid Strategies Reports Spiking Congestion Costs
The cost of transmission congestion doubled in organized electricity markets between 2020 and 2021, rising by billions of dollars, according to Grid Strategies.
PJM Seeks to Delay Capacity Auctions Through 2028 Delivery Year
PJM asked FERC to delay its capacity auctions to give the RTO time to incorporate rule changes to address reliability concerns.
FunksBrother, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Ohio PUC Opens 2021 Audit of OVEC Charges for Public Comment
Built by power companies for the DOD during the Cold War, Ohio Valley Electric Corp. is now part of a war fought by enviros against regulators, utilities.
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FERC Approves Revisions to PJM’s ELCC Accreditation Model
FERC conditionally approved a PJM proposal to revise its approach to accrediting intermittent and hybrid resources under its ELCC model.
© RTO Insider LLC
IPF Panel: MSSC Limits Could Cut OSW Power Coming Onshore
Offshore wind will produce thousands of megawatts of electric power, way more than the onshore transmission system is currently able to absorb, an expert says.
Complaints to FERC over PJM Performance Penalties Multiply
More generator companies filed complaints with FERC alleging that PJM violated its governing documents during its response to the December 2022 winter storm.
Maryland Lawmakers Vote to Raise Offshore Wind Target
The Maryland legislature passed legislation raising the state's offshore wind target to 8.5 GW while calling for coordinated transmission planning with PJM.
© RTO Insider LLC
PJM Presents Alternative Capacity Auction Schedule
PJM presented a draft proposal to delay the next four Base Residual Auctions to the Members Committee during a special meeting.

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