September 30, 2024


PJM Interconnection LLC is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.
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IPP Asks FERC to Dismiss PJM Performance Penalties over Elliott Outages
Nautilus Power asked FERC to dismiss penalties over the December 2022 storm, saying PJM failed to provide sufficient notice for their units to purchase gas.
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PJM Presents More Detail on CIFP Proposal
PJM proposed a new reliability metric to address resource adequacy concerns as stakeholders moved forward with plans to overhaul the RTO's capacity market.
Kentucky Officials Ask FERC to Deny AEP-Liberty Deal
Kentucky officials have asked FERC to shut down AEP’s proposed $2.6 billion sale of its Kentucky operations to Liberty Utilities.
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PJM Board of Managers to Seek Capacity Auction Delays
The PJM Board of Managers on Monday announced it will seek a delay in the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction scheduled for this June, as well as future auctions.
FirstEnergy Hires Tierney as New Chief Executive
FirstEnergy’s board of directors appointed Brian Tierney, currently a senior executive at the investment company Blackstone, as the company's new CEO.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: March 22, 2023
PJM's vice president of market design told the MRC that the RTO is delaying its estimation of when it will be publishing a report on the December winter storm.
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Monitor Seeks Access to PJM Liaison Committee Meetings
PJM's IMM filed a complaint to FERC alleging that the RTO is in violation of its tariff by not permitting the Monitor to attend Liaison Committee meetings.
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FERC Urged to Close ‘Regulatory Gap’ on Tx Costs
State regulators and others urged FERC to increase oversight of “local” transmission projects while TOs insisted existing cost controls are sufficient.
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PJM Chief: Retirements Need to Slow down
PJM needs to slow the pace of generation retirements to avoid reliability problems by 2030, CEO Manu Asthana told the Electric Power Supply Association.
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FERC Approves PJM Proposal to Reduce Congestion Penalty During Grid Upgrades
FERC approved a PJM proposal to allow it to reduce the TCPF under a set of circumstances that PJM argued becomes punitive to load without providing any benefit.

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