PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)
Legislators in five states in PJM have filed similar bills that would require regulated utilities to submit all of their stakeholder votes publicly with state regulators.
PJM said the grid maintained reliability through nearly a week of harsh winter conditions during the winter storm that blanketed much of the nation in mid-January.
PJM's Members Committee is slated to consider endorsing an overhaul to the RTO's regulation market with one price signal and two products representing a resource’s ability to adjust their output up or down.
The PJM MRC and MC both endorsed a proposal to rework the regulation market to operate with a single price signal and two products provided by market sellers.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee will consider endorsement of two competing proposals to implement multi-schedule modeling, while the Members Committee will endorse representatives for the Finance Committee.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed new generation winterization requirements, followed by the Members Committee approving three changes to the stakeholder process.
A summary of the agenda items scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee meetings.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee rejected a proposal to change the rules for how generators with co-located load may enter into the capacity market during its Oct. 25 meeting.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee overrode concerns from Illinois consumer advocates and regulators to create a fifth cost of new entry area for the Commonwealth Edison region.
PJM's Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee will meet Oct. 25, with potential votes on creating a fifth cost of new entry area for the Commonwealth Edison zone in Illinois, the 2023 Reserve Requirement Study and capacity offers for generators with co-located load.
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