PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)
The MIC endorsed a PJM proposal to bar critical gas infrastructure from DR programs that could jeopardize the reliability of gas-fired generators.
In a joint vote, the PJM Operating and Market Implementation committees endorsed an RTO package of revisions of its fuel requirements for black start resources.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee narrowly rejected a proposed issue charge from curtailment service provider CPower Energy Management.
PJM and its Monitor sparred at two different committee meetings as they tried to win stakeholder support for their proposals on black start resources.
Capping four years of discussions and analysis, PJM held a first read of competing fuel assurance rule changes for black start resources from PJM and the IMM.
DR programs for residential customers and small businesses in PJM are being hampered by a lack of access to meter data, curtailment service providers say.
The MIC approved an initiative to change the determination of zonal load bus distribution factors and heard first read on changes to VOM cost development.
PJM's MIC OK'd rules on accounting for PTC/REC revenue and dealing with long-term market suspensions and discussed a loophole allowing CTs to ignore dispatch.
PJM's top security officer briefed stakeholders on the RTO's responses to the latest cyber threats, including hostile activity by Russia and its allies.
PJM responded to its Market Monitor’s latest recommendations, noting that many of the issues are in the scope of current stakeholder discussions.
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