PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC)
PJM presented the Planning Committee with a draft amendment to the Deactivation Enhancement Senior Task Force’s issue charge to add a key work activity focused on creating pro forma language for reliability-must-run agreements with generation owners seeking to deactivate a unit identified as being necessary for reliability.
PJM's Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee heard a presentation about the preliminary 2029 congestion results in the 2024/25 Base Case.
PJM’s Andrew Gledhill presented a proposal to the Planning Committee to revise the installed reserve margin and forecast pool requirement for the third 2025/26 Incremental Auction.
The PJM Planning Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 14H to clarify the changes developers can make to the site control requirements for their projects at different phases of the interconnection process.
PJM’s Planning Committee endorsed an issue charge to examine a “disconnect” around risk modeling showing loss of load risk has shifted from summer peaks to the winter and the calculation of zonal capacity emergency transfer limits.
LS Power presented the third in a “trilogy” of issues charges seeking changes to PJM’s effective load carrying capability accreditation paradigm.
The PJM Planning Committee endorsed a coalition proposal to rework how generation owners can transfer capacity interconnection rights from a deactivating unit to a new resource.
The PJM PC voted to defer action on three proposals to rework the RTO’s process for transferring capacity interconnection rights from a deactivating generator to a new resource.
PJM could see a growing capacity shortfall starting with the 2029/30 delivery year, the RTO found after running its effective load carrying capability (ELCC) model on a generation mix forecast through the 2034/35 DY.
The PJM Planning Committee and TEAC discussed a CIR transfer proposal, changes to upcoming projects and Load Analysis Subcommittee charter revisions, among other topics.
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