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FERC and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission convened a joint meeting to looking into issues of common interest, including the rollout of advanced reactors and grid reliability.
CPower hosted an event outside D.C. that charted the demand response's industry's evolution to a virtual power plant model that can help the industry manage the growing share of DERs coming onto the grid.
The Biden administration is planning to delay its decision on approval of a major LNG export terminal in order to evaluate the project’s climate impacts, The New York Times reported.
FERC put the Tennessee Valley Authority one step closer to replacing its Cumberland coal plant with a new natural gas plant when it permitted a new pipeline.
The NYPSC has established the Advanced Technology Working Group to identify and deploy new clean energy technologies, supporting the state’s net-zero goals.
PJM hired former Maryland Public Service Commission Chair Jason Stanek to lead the RTO's state government policy and state solutions teams.
Consolidated Edison has been cleared to undertake another major system upgrade to meet growing electricity demand in New York City.
The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission will dive into a report on the financial implications of a Western day-ahead electricity market.
The 2,200-MW PG&E plant will be the first recipient of federal funds being made available to shore up operations at U.S. nuclear plants that face imminent closure.
FERC Chair Willie Phillips expressed confidence that the commission will approve its NOPR on transmission planning and cost allocation this year.
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