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The Supreme Court heard more than three hours of oral arguments in a case that conservatives hope will reduce the authority of federal regulatory agencies.
Wisconsin’s GOP-controlled Senate voted to reject Public Service Commissioner Tyler Huebner’s nomination to the commission — nearly four years into his time there.
Xcel Energy insists its plan to retire two Minnesota coal plants won’t mar reliability even though the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission sent a letter urging the utility to hold off on shutting down the units.
Congressional Democrats sent a pair of identical letters to FERC urging the commission to complete its transmission cost allocation and planning rule.
PJM has requested that Talen Energy continue operating a portion of its H.A. Wagner Generating Station an additional three years beyond its requested 2025 deactivation date.
PJM reviewed comments it is jointly submitting with other RTOs on several proposed changes to EPA regulations during the Operating Committee meeting.
Oregon regulators are moving closer to adopting resource adequacy rules that would incentivize load-serving entities to join the Western Power Pool’s WRAP.
NYISO briefed the committee on an upcoming white paper to propose updates to the ISO’s resource adequacy modeling.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected four Texas cooperatives’ request to review a 2019 FERC decision over AEP's transmission rates.
While an inspection into its approval process plays out, FERC has allowed the Elliott Investment Management firm to buy a sizable chunk of NRG Energy stock.
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