Public Policy

R Street Institute
Report Dives into the Details of Electricity Restructuring
The Energy Choice Coalition hosted a webinar that focused on a recent report from the R Street Institute that examined how restructuring has impacted the electric industry at both the wholesale and retail levels.
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Searching for Paradigm Shifts in Distribution Planning and Financing
As utilities and regulators face unprecedented growth in power demand, figuring out how to plan and finance distribution systems has become a fast-moving target, according to speakers at the GridWise Alliance gridCONNEXT conference.
Grid Strategies
Grid Planners Predict Sharp Increase in Load Growth
After years of low load growth, U.S. grid planners now predict a sharp increase in electric demand, according to a report by consulting firm Grid Strategies.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Dec. 5, 2023
PJM’s preliminary load forecast for 2024 sees higher growth for both summer and winter, driven by EVs, data centers and state incentivizes for heat pumps.  
SCOTUS Won’t Take up Texas Appeal of ROFR Law
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to take up an appeal of a lower court’s ruling that a Texas law giving incumbent transmission companies the first right of refusal to build new transmission lines was unconstitutional.
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NY Reliability Council Approves 22% IRM for 2024/25
After four rounds of voting, the New York State Reliability Council Executive Committee approved a 22% IRM for 2024/25, up from 20% for the previous year.
Our World in Data (CC-BY-SA)
Counterflow: Holiday Happy Talk
Feeling in the holiday mood, columnist Steve Huntoon points to data that show some things are getting better in the world.
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Clements Outlines Further Steps to Ease Interconnection Woes
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said addressing transmission planning issues will be a key component of cutting down interconnection backlogs.
CAISO Discusses Year-ahead Requirements for RA Program

CAISO staff and stakeholders again dove into the details of the ISO’s resource adequacy construct, including potentially creating year-ahead requirements and refining the existing capacity procurement mechanism.

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FERC Gets Growing Calls to Finish Transmission Rule in 2024
A growing chorus of stakeholders is hoping to see a final transmission planning rule from FERC sometime in the New Year, with a set of letters sent to the commission.

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