Public Policy

Ameren Illinois
ICC Staff: More to Consider in Possible Ameren Illinois Exit from MISO
Staff from the Illinois Commerce Commission put their own spin on an analysis showing how much Ameren’s switch to PJM could cost MISO.
ISO-NE Provides More Detail on Order 2023 Compliance
ISO-NE is pursuing an alternative compliance pathway on FERC Order 2023 regarding storage resource interconnection, hoping to sidestep the need for “control technology,” the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
Federal Lawsuit Challenges New York State Natural Gas Ban
The suit says New York's ban is preempted by federal law, seeking to apply the precedent from the Ninth Circuit's decision overturning Berkeley Calif.'s ban.
Energy Harbor
FERC Delays Ruling on Vistra Purchase of Energy Harbor
FERC issued an order extending the time it has to review the proposed purchase of Energy Harbor by Vistra to next spring after several parties raised market concerns over the deal between two existing PJM generation owners.
NYISO Anticipates Increased Load in Western, Central NY
NYISO did not identify any new near-term reliability issues in its third-quarter STAR, but it does anticipate significant load increases in western and central New York that could warrant more attention.
Invenergy Transmission
Grain Belt Express HVDC Line Clears Final State Approval
Invenergy Transmission’s $7 billion, 800-mile Grain Belt Express HVDC line has secured the last of its state approvals with Missouri agreeing to the line’s expanded design.
D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
PSC Takes FERC Back to Court Over NYISO’s 17-Year Amortization
The New York PSC asked a federal appeals court to overturn FERC’s approval of NYISO’s 17-year amortization period in its installed capacity market.
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Community Engagement Key to Moving Transmission Projects Ahead

Transmission developers discussed the obstacles to getting their projects permitted and built, but also focused on successes, with a strong focus on community and stakeholder engagement.

NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: Oct. 13, 2023
The NYSRC Executive Committee approved the modeling assumptions for its 2024/25 installed reserve margin requirement study base case and discussed potential cap-and-invest updates.
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9th Circuit Sides with BPA over Conservation Groups on Fish Spat
The Ninth Circuit rejected a challenge to the Bonneville Power Administration's decision to lower rates from conservation groups, who argued more funding should have been directed to fish and wildlife protection.

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