Public Policy

Transmission Expansion Runs into an Old Debate: Planning vs. Markets
Market Monitors Joe Bowring and David Patton have doubts about the wisdom of large-scale transmission expansions, warning they may crowd out market solutions.
Counterflow: More Stuff That Ain’t So
Columnist Steve Huntoon says a recent Moody’s report uses misleading data to make its case for investing in transmission to solve reliability problems.
Champlain Hudson Power Express / Clean Path New York
NYSERDA Can’t Meet Deadline to Design New REC Plan

New York’s clean energy agency needs more time to draw up the renewable energy certificate program for two major renewable energy transmission projects.

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ERCOT Searching for 3 GW of Winter Capacity
ERCOT surprised market participants with an announcement that it plans to increase operating reserves by requesting an additional 3,000 MW of capacity to shore up the grid for the upcoming winter.
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Northeast Stakeholders Push Transmission Planning, Siting Reform

Speakers at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable emphasized the importance of transmission planning to ensure the grid can handle increased amounts of variable clean energy and higher demand from electrification.

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Texas High Court to Review Decision on Uri Charges
The Texas Supreme Court will review a lower court ruling on the Public Utility Commission’s emergency pricing orders during the deadly 2021 winter storm, potentially placing billions of dollars at stake.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
ISO/RTO Execs Talk Reliability and Resource Mix at House Hearing

Senior executives from all seven ISO/RTOs discussed how the changing resource mix is impacting reliability.

Annual OMS DER Survey Records 1-GW Rise in MISO Residential Capacity
The Organization of MISO States’ sixth annual survey on amounts of distributed energy resources in MISO tracked a nearly 1 GW rise in residential DERs year over year.
New Mexico Contemplates Organized Market Choice
When it comes to choosing between Western day-ahead market offerings, who else is participating in the market is a key consideration, a representative of a New Mexico utility said.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Beware of Government-driven Climate Policy
Can climate policy dominated by interest-group politics be in the public good?  What we have seen up to now says no, says regulatory economist Kenneth Costello.  

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