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A report from Moody's Investors Service asserted that, despite a need for transmission investment, regulatory bottlenecking is causing significant delay for utilities.
ACEEE released a report highlighting strategies for avoiding higher overall energy bills from electrification, which is a concern for states with high average power prices.
The challenge of unlocking the renewable energy development of tribal lands goes beyond financing, and requires respect, patience and innovation.
A House hearing looking into Republican bills aimed at curbing DOE's efficiency regulations displayed the partisan split on reliability and energy efficiency.
The NYPSC has filed a third petition seeking federal judicial review of FERC orders related to NYISO's proposed 17-year amortization period for its demand curves in capacity market auctions.
A new EPA report predicts significant emissions reductions in the electrical sector because of provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.
The Department of Energy released a report outlining how to bring more virtual power plants online, which can be a money-saving way of helping to balance the grid and maintain resource adequacy.
Voltus withdrew a demand response resource issue charge, while AEP and Dominion proposed a capacity obligation issue charge.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy appointed Christine Guhl-Sadovy as president of the Board of Public Utilities. Guhl-Sadovy will succeed Joseph Fiordaliso, who died Sept. 6.
NYSRC's Executive Committee approved the preliminary base case for the upcoming capability year and new emergency operating procedures aimed at enhancing grid reliability.
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