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Constellation Energy gave an update on the hydrogen production demonstration project at one of its nuclear plants in New York.
California's duck curve deepened to new levels this spring as solar capacity increased, at times exceeding demand, the Energy Information Administration said.
An ACORE report found billions of dollars that PJM's queue reforms could unlock in the next few years, but added that proactive transmission planning could lead to even more renewables and their associated benefits being added to the grid.
ERCOT is setting records for peak demand in what has been described as "hellacious" temperatures, "even by Texas standards."
California Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders reached a budget deal that includes most of Newsom's controversial energy infrastructure bills.
NYISO will comment on New York's emissions-reduction and reporting policy, the cap-and-invest program.
Vistra Energy's deal to buy Energy Harbor ran into opposition at FERC, where parties argued it would harm Ohio's retail market and further concentrate PJM's wholesale market.
Participants at New York Energy Week celebrated the progress the state and city have made toward decarbonization while acknowledging the challenges ahead.
PJM continued its presentation of its proposal to overhaul the capacity market during a June 21 Critical Issue Fast Path process meeting.
The clean energy organizer for the Alliance for Affordable Energy said there’s a lack of accessibility within MISO for individual ratepayers to make their opinions heard on grid decisions that affect them.
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