March 10, 2025

Public Policy

NYISO TPAS Briefs: June 16, 2023
A NYISO subcommittee voted to recommend the approval of report results for the ISO's preferred Propel NY Energy project.
Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Ponders Market Design’s Next Steps
During its first open meeting since the recently concluded legislative session, the Public Utility Commission of Texas discussed its next steps in changing the ERCOT market.
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Overheard at EEI 2023
The clean energy transition, the technology and funding to make it happen, were the focus of the Edison Electric Institute’s annual forum.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
House Energy and Commerce Examines Moore County Attack
Members of Congress went to North Carolina to hold a field hearing on the substation attacks in early December that knocked out power to 45,000 customers.
Public Power Groups Seek Information on Mystic Agreement
New England utilities have sought information on the agreement between ISO-NE and the Mystic power plant in Massachusetts.
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EBA Roundtable Examines New York’s Transmission Buildout
New York state's effort to create an extensive clean energy generation and transmission infrastructure was a topic of interest at the Energy Bar Association meeting last week.
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Future of Grid Planning Debated at Infocast Transmission Summit
The industry must improve planning to account for changing resources and new load patterns, said experts at Infocast’s Transmission & Interconnection Summit.
FERC Approves More Extreme Weather Rules
FERC approved new rules intended to strengthen the grid against both extreme heat and cold weather events.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Iterative Changes to Interconnection Queues Discussed at Transmission Summit
At Infocast’s Transmission & Interconnection Summit, experts said interconnection requests continue to grow and grid operators have tried to keep pace.
Clean Path New York
Clean Path NY Joins Calls for Inflation Adjustment
Clean Path NY asked to be included in any inflation adjustments approved for Tier 1 RECs, saying generators would otherwise shun its transmission project.

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