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Pennsylvania regulators agreed to set guidelines for electric vehicle charging rates, with deadlines and demand charges among the key issues to be decided.
The New Jersey Senate approved two new commissioners to the state Board of Public Utilities, bringing the five-member board to full strength.
General Electric will invest $50 million to create an onshore wind turbine assembly line in New York and hire about 200 new full-time employees.
In approving a water quality certificate for a pumped storage project along the Columbia, Washington sparked protests from area tribes and some environmental groups.
Two recent reports found that participation in RGGI produces economic benefits and that Pennsylvania would see a small change in power prices should it join.
BOEM concluded that Ocean Wind 1 combined with other projects will have a “major” impact on scenic and visual factors and on scientific research.
Sen. Tom Carper's PEER Act would expand FERC’s permitting role; Republican bills have opposed the move.
Massachusetts legislators and climate advocates called for a billion-dollar fine on the country’s largest carbon-polluting companies.
New York state has the highest goal for installed energy storage but some of its market structures make it hard for the private sector to pursue those goals.
An appeals court has rejected an attempt to derail New York state’s streamlined permitting process for large renewable energy projects.
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