Demand Response
FERC Commissioner Judy Chang emphasized the importance of demand response, long-term transmission planning and gas-electric coordination in her address to the NEPOOL Participants Committee meeting.
Former FERC Chair Neil Chatterjee is joining Voltus, where he will advise the firm as it engages in the implementation of Order 2222, which was issued under his chairmanship at the regulator.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to endorse a proposal to create an expedited process to study some interconnection requests.
ERCOT will recommend that its Board of Directors approve a reliability-must-run contract for one of three aging CPS gas units, set for retirement, to maintain reliability in the San Antonio area.
Several state consumer advocates filed a complaint at FERC alleging PJM’s capacity market is failing to mitigate market power, overestimating future load and producing high clearing prices that generation owners cannot act on.
"Chicken Little" claims about power outages being caused by the transmission grid being overtaxed do not stand up to scrutiny, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
Stakeholders representing large electricity consumers say they believe NYISO’s proposed changes to the special case resource program will cause a mass exodus of participants.
The NCUC approved Duke Energy's second Carbon Plan and Integrated Resource Plan, authorizing procurements of renewable energy, nuclear and demand response, while calling for its 8,000 MW of coal to be retired in 2036.
A common refrain at FERC’s technical conference on the co-location of data centers was that the issue is just part the broader problem of resource adequacy.
EPRI launched its DCFlex initiative, which is meant to maximize demand flexibility from data centers to help them more quickly plug into the grid and provide demand response for emergencies.
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