Demand Response
The 36% increase in prices in last week’s ISO-NE capacity auction likely represents the peak for the foreseeable future.
ISO-NE opened FCA 9 amid expectations of high prices as the region deals with plant retirements and tight natural gas supplies.
Boston lamented that PJM took unilateral action on several contentious proposals in 2014 after stakeholders were unable to reach consensus.
FERC yesterday asked the Supreme Court to overturn an appellate court ruling voiding its authority to demand response in RTOs, a day after PJM filed a contingency plan for including DR in its upcoming capacity auction.
FERC approved rule changes allowing ISO-NE grid operators to fully integrate demand response into their wholesale markets.
Demand response and advanced meters are continuing to grow but progress is uneven, with some regions showing reductions, according to a new report by FERC.
FERC rejected a challenge by NESCOE to recalculate the contributions of DR and distributed resources in advance of ISO-NE FCA 9.
PJM announced a fallback plan to incorporate demand response into the capacity market in the event a court ruling limiting the jurisdiction of FERC stands.
PJM officials are seeking to postpone generation retirements — or accelerate planned new generation — to help the RTO ride through potential shortages next winter.
The NYPSC approved Con Ed of New York's proposed $200 million Brooklyn/Queens Demand Management Program that would relieve overloads in the city.
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