Demand Response
Holding firm on their plans to redefine the capacity market, PJM officials Tuesday offered a revised capacity performance proposal that they said is less punitive and restrictive.
PJM officials said Wednesday they are amending their proposed capacity overhaul in response to dozens of mostly critical stakeholder comments.
Virtually all of the stakeholders who commented on PJM's proposed Capacity Performance product agreed that it goes too far, creates too much risk and is being rushed through the stakeholder process too quickly.
An appellate court rejected requests by FERC, PJM and other parties for an en banc review of a ruling that overturned Order 745, voiding FERC’s jurisdiction over demand response compensation.
PJM yesterday proposed sweeping changes to the capacity market, including a new product, to address winter reliability concerns.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals signaled that it may take another look at the court’s order voiding FERC Order 745.
PJM has created a closed loop interface to capture the pricing of demand response in a transmission sub-zone spanning the Pennsylvania-Ohio border near New Castle, Pa.
PJM capacity prices would increase sharply but reliability would not be threatened if a recent federal court ruling eliminated demand response from wholesale markets, the Market Monitor said.
PJM will join in calls asking the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider its May 23 ruling on FERC Order 745.
The Demand Response Subcommittee will seek ways to improve measurement and verification of emergency demand response under an issue charge approved last week by the Market Implementation Committee.
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