Demand Response
PJM members will consider relaxing metering requirements to make it more practical for residential customers to offer demand response into the synchronous reserve market under a problem statement approved Friday.
PJM members endorsed rules describing when economic demand response is eligible for compensation, over the objections of some demand response providers, who said they are unfair.
PJM’s Market Monitor told FERC hat rule changes approved by PJM stakeholders to increase the flexibility of demand response are insufficient and that the commission should impose a must-offer requirement similar to that for generation resources.
FERC approved PJM’s proposal to cap the amount of Limited and Extended Summer demand response that clears in the annual base capacity auction, an action expected to increase capacity prices.
The PJM MRC endorsed manual changes to implement proposed capacity import limits and clarify rules on substitution of demand response resources.
A proposed manual change on compensation for demand response prompted a protest from curtailment service provider Icetec Energy Services.
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC on 01/30/14. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
Plunging temperatures sent natural gas spot prices soaring again this week, prompting PJM today to seek approval from federal regulators to lift the $1,000/MWh price cap on generation.
PJM’s dispatch of demand response helped avoid the need to shed load during the polar vortex Jan. 7, when the RTO set a new winter demand record of about 141,500 MW.
PJM is adding more items to the to-do list resulting from the September heat wave, during which officials ordered limited load sheds to prevent a wider transmission collapse.
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