Demand Response
Governance structures and market rules at ISO-NE that favor incumbent interests have contributed to pushing the region into costly and carbon-intensive reliability solutions, law professor Joshua Macey told the Consumer Liaison Group.
Extreme heat in the Desert Southwest and low hydro in the Northwest could pose reliability problems for the Western Interconnection this summer, although the region doesn’t face an alarming risk for grid emergencies, WECC officials said.
A court of appeals has toppled Wisconsin’s longstanding ban on aggregators of demand response participating in wholesale markets.
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to revise how capacity obligations for serving large load additions are calculated to limit capacity assignments to areas where the LLAs are forecast to actually interconnect.
Angst over looming load growth, cost increases and reliability headaches headlined the 76th annual New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Symposium.
Because of resource adequacy risks, MISO may need to place tougher requirements on load-modifying resources and devise new, nonemergency means to use load offsets that can't meet new standards.
A new Berkeley Lab report finds that a combination of aggressive demand and supply side measures could slash greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector 91% below 2005 levels by 2050.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed by acclamation a rewrite of Manual 18 to implement market redesigns drafted through the critical issue fast path process.
New York has launched a process to maximize the use and effectiveness of flexible tools such as distributed energy resources and virtual power plants.
California could significantly cut power costs through increased use of VPPs, according to the study by The Brattle Group and GridLab.
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