Battery Electric Storage
Up to 13 GW of new generation and storage resources are planned to come online in the Western Interconnection by the end of this summer.
Three Indiana utilities could save customers a combined $73 million if they ditched plans to build new gas plants and invested in battery storage, report says.
A Brattle Group study finds virtual power plants are cheaper than other viable options for resource adequacy, namely storage and natural gas peaking plants.
LBNL's annual report on interconnection queues showed continued growth in capacity waiting to connect to the grid, even as 2 markets restricted new applicants.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved measures to boost summer reliability, including extending a requirement that batteries be charged during extreme events.
The California PUC ordered utilities to procure an additional 4 GW of clean-energy resources by 2027 and said the state needs 85 GW of new resources by 2035.
The CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body adopted resource sufficiency and storage changes to promote summer reliability.
NV Energy has filed a proposal that would reduce Nevada's dependence on the open energy market through new geothermal, storage and a gas-fired peaker.
The state's community choice aggregators expanded their long-term procurement of clean energy by 14%, including the addition of 119 MW of long-duration storage.
FERC approved Vistra’s request to bypass MISO’s generator interconnection procedures to quickly add battery storage projects at two retiring fossil fuel plants.
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