Battery Electric Storage

Counterflow: Grid Apocalypse Not
"Chicken Little" claims about power outages being caused by the transmission grid being overtaxed do not stand up to scrutiny, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
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Proposal to Refine Bid Cost Recovery for Storage Passes Unanimously

CAISO’s Board of Governors and the Western Energy Markets Governing Body voted unanimously to pass a proposal that will modify the calculation used to determine bid cost recovery payments for storage resources.

Intersect Power
2 Huge Solar-plus-storage Projects Planned in California
Intersect Power is seeking approval for two 1.15-GW solar-plus-storage projects in California using a streamlined permitting process.
Office of Gov. Gavin Newsom
California Hits Milestones for Batteries, DR Grid Support

As the growth in battery capacity is accelerating, the new milestone is one-quarter of the way to the state’s projected need of 52 GW of battery storage capacity by 2045.

Batteries, Energy Transfers Support ‘Uneventful’ Summer in West
The growth of battery storage resources in the West largely contributed to an "uneventful" summer on the grid, despite record-breaking peak loads and temperatures.
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FERC’s Rosner Talks Priorities at American Clean Power Association
FERC Commissioner David Rosner told members of the American Clean Power Association that one of his main goals is to successfully manage the energy industry’s transition.
Convergent Energy and Power
RI Siting Board Claims Authority over Storage Permitting
The Rhode Island Energy Facilities Siting Board ruled it has jurisdiction over large battery storage projects, overruling precedent.
PJM MRC Briefs: Sept. 25, 2024
About four years after PJM stakeholders shelved deliberations on rules around how battery storage can be used to address transmission constraints, the topic has been reopened.
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PJM Working to Speed Development of New Capacity
PJM is trying to figure out how the development of new capacity can be sped up as a growing number of resources have cleared the interconnection queue but not entered commercial operation.
Goldman-Sachs Renewables
Berkeley Lab: Solar-storage Hybrids Reshaping the Grid
Hybrid power plants, especially projects combining solar and storage, represent a growing amount of new generation online and in interconnection queues across the U.S., signaling a shift in how renewable power can be integrated into electric power markets, according to a new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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